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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Shoving All In During Poker Tournaments

Whilst some poker players are tight, methodical and cautious I myself prefer to be as brazen as possible, often using the all-in move when the time seems right. Many players I have spoken to have been fairly sharp in their criticism of both myself and my strategy but I have discovered that whilst there are times when this approach falls flat, other times it pays off, and when it pays off it pays off big. The trick is coming to appreciate when and where to use it for maximum effect.
Before I begin providing a breakdown of my own strategy, let me put things in a better sense of portion by briefly discussing one of the most counterproductive and downright redundant game plans I have ever had the displeasure of witnessing. Going all out in a pre flop session during the early rounds of a tournament is a guaranteed recipe for disaster and as such should be avoided like the plague. Many people adopt this strategy in a crude attempt to double their profits but the simple truth of the matter is that they do this when they do not have the cards to support them meaning that they leave themselves very exposed indeed.
With that caveat so duly dispensed, I must confess that I myself am very partial to relying on this strategy when and where an opportune moment happens to arise.
Late Rounds (Tight Image)
If you have been playing rather tightly throughout the course of the game then there is a good chance that your rivals will have caught onto the fact that you have only ever used and relied upon solid hands. You can turn to your advantage and get the drop on them, and the way to do this is simply be aggressive, with all guns blazing and steal all of the blinds on offer.
If you happen to be on the button and everyone else has then folded in favour of you then this is an ideal time and situation to press the advantage.
Against Highly Skilled Players
My personal strategy is ideal for those players who are painfully aware that they are outmatched and out of their depth. When facing down tournament players who are significantly more skilled than you, then adopting an all out kamikaze approach before the flop may just swing things in your favour. Whilst this approach is not foolproof it does have its merits.
Speaking from personal experience, I remember a time where a player pulled this same move on me during the latter stages of a tournament game we were both involved in. I asked him about his approach afterwards and he confided in me that he was acutely aware I was the stronger player of us both and as such, by adopting this madcap approach, he forced me on the defensive. By going all out, this meant that the number of times I would have called and raised the pot were sorely limited.
The Bubble
Although this is also relevant in the later rounds of a tournament the situation may differ. During the course of multiple table tournament games players will usually end up adopting a fairly defensive approach whenever it comes to making a bet/call.
Please note that if you have ambitions of being a tournament player that enjoys some measure of success for their efforts then you need to be prepared to risk your chips and those of your rivals.

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