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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Poker Skills - Improving Your Tournament Play

So you lost a big hand that knocked you out of a tournament, and now you are looking over the hand history to see if you made a error. That is a great way to better your game. Often however it's not clearly recognizable as to what aspect of the game you should in reality be improving upon. Some may be more sorely needed than others. Given the assumption that you havn't really made money in tournaments yet, here are a few poker skills to work on immediately.
Understanding odds. This concerns to the mathematical part of the game, and in tournaments - it's not just odds, it's also implied odds that you need to understand you could be playing the duplicate hand, but with different odds scenarios your decision to play the hand or not, can be at opposite ends.
The value of profiling players. It is also a indispensable aspect even in the lower limits because all of your antagonists tend to fall into predictable profile conventions. Understanding what these characteristics are will assist you in making more and more accurate decisions when playing against them. If you don't have a good idea of the type of opponents you're up against your decisions will be much harder than they ought to be.
Starting hands. Determining the EV of particular hands, and understanding the deep cost of dominated hands can instantly boost your success rate significantly in online poker tourneys. Hole card strength is often described by an EV rating or a group hand ranking in poker calculators such as tournament indicator. Surprisingly, most of those rankings are in the negative and that should tell you something right away. In addition, hands that look strong - for example King-Queen suited are often dominated to a pre-flop raiser, and can result in huge pots with you on the losing end.
Figuring your M and tournaments stage. There's a fundamental rule of thumb principle called M or mzone which if you know at any given time in the tournament, can fundamentally alter your strategy. It takes a little math and a little know-how, and a lot of courage at times to know what is the right move to make. However, once this mathematical understanding of the game is recognized into your psyche, you may very well be a force at the table, any tournament table! Another important factor is how the prize money will be distributed, often resulting in a wide spectrum of betting tactics. Ordinarily once you're in the money for example, you may want to change gears and decide shoot for the final table where the ream profit is.
Controlling your own emotions at the table. This is one of the biggest obstacles you'll have to shoot down, before you start really winning. What may seem evident to an observer of a hand, can render you a complete fool if you let your emotions make the decisions for you.
Almost all new online players fall victim to at least one, often several of the weaknesses outlined above. If you can spot these tendencies in your own game then take action to improve, and you'll notice a real difference in your game.

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