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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Mobile Gambling Now and Tomorrow

Mobile Gambling Now and Tomorrow
Mobile gambling is hot and its popularity is increasing by the day.
Early 2010 Juniper Research published a report stating that this year worldwide 380 million people will be active in some kind of mobile gambling. Varying from mobile casino games to mobile betting. Some researchers expect it will become even bigger than online gambling. Time will tell, but fact is that the number of mobile internet users yearly more than doubles. Needless to say that this is a huge market with an enormous potential.
From 2008 on, every year was expected to be THE year of mobile gambling. Everyone was waiting for the big bang, which didn't come. The industry evolved in a much more gradually way, but nevertheless shows a massive yearly growth.
Another fact is that mobile gambling attracts a new type of players. Although many thought the online gambler would gradually embrace mobile gambling, a study by GreenTube and GameMatrix shows that mobile players considerably differ from their online counterparts.
The new player is primarily focussed on the fun aspect and is less willing to spend money. Deposits are on an occasionally basis and tend to be smaller than online. But the massive amount of mobile users, which is much bigger than the online community, makes it a very profitable market.
Unlike traditional mobile games, mobile casino games are free to download and also are fully functional. A very good choice of the industry, since it will encourage players to get familiar with the games. This way it is more likely that they will deposit at a later stage.
Technical innovations of mobile phones and tablets, increasing mobile internet speeds and cheaper flat-fee mobile internet tariffs are all factors making this a very dynamic industry. Game developers are less bothered by technical limitations, making it possible to keep improving the gaming quality and with that the overall gaming experience.
The future of mobile gambling is bright. Time will tell if it stays dominated by the new generation of players or that online players will also join this new way of entertainment.

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